Working for transformative environmental policies

In July 2020, Mick was the ENVI committee rapporteur for an opinion on the impacts of climate change on vulnerable populations in developing countries. The opinion called on the EU to “enhance its support, as part of its external action, for climate mitigation and adaptation and the protection and restoration of biodiversity, and to step up its technical assistance to and sharing of best practices with developing countries.”

He also acted as shadow rapporteur for the EU’s Circular Economy Action Plan and emphasised the need for a reduction in overall production and consumption patterns, campaigning against technological quick fixes such as Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) systems for incineration.

Mick was the LEFT’s shadow rapporteur for the common agricultural policy (CAP) strategic plan regulation. He worked to enhance the green architecture of the new CAP and to ensure the highest possible complementary redistributive income support for sustainability payments for small and medium family farms.

Committed to peaceful foreign relations

In his work on the Foreign Affairs and the Security and Defence Committees in the parliament, Mick is a vocal opponent of EU and US imperialism and is committed to international justice and equality.

Mick acts as coordinator for the LEFT group on the parliament’s security and defence committee as well as the standing rapporteur for the parliament on Iraq, on which he is overseeing a report. He has highlighted the damaging impacts of sanctions and the increasing use of unilateral coercive measures despite their illegality under international law, commissioning a forthcoming study on this issue.

He has continuously worked to highlight and oppose the increasing militarisation of the EU, a detrimental policy that will do nothing for peace and will only enrich the Military Industrial Complex.

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